
Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Lots of people tend to assume that with age comes it true??
Is it the ability to forgive someone's insensitivity as chilidish behaviour??...then I am not mature!
Is it the habit of going to "lecture mode" on all and sundry??...then I am not mature!
Is it the ability to take everything, both good and bad news in your stride? Nope! I cant do that either!
Is it the ability to forgive easily? Nope! I cant do that either

Personally, I think being mature has nothing to do with age! You could be quite old and still not be mature and vice versa. Its about being sensitive to other's feelings, opinions and ideas. It is about using your discretion on saying the right things at the right place at the right time. Its about empathy and respect for everyone irrespective of their gender, position or any such discrimination. Maturity is to respect every individual as an individual and to understand and respect their individuality - SIMPLE!