Dear Aaradhya,
I can't possibly forget that you are turning 6 coz you are always reminding me about it, more specifically, what you want as your birthday gift! A material girl, indeed! It changes quite often ...from "shoes with wheels" to a ukulele ( I had to google it to figure out what it was!) keeps changing almost every other day. Your childish enthusiasm is charming.
You are my biggest strength and weakness...and you already know it. There are times when I feel like my love for you will burst in its seams from my heart and there are times when I am so livid with anger while you are smirking away with the hint of a knowing smile that says "I got you!", eh?
I hear this all the time, from your teachers, my friends who interact with you and people who keenly observe you that you are a very strong individual and very confident, in general. I am very happy and proud that you know your way around, you are independant and you are a self-assured child. At the same time, I am scared that it could also mean you could end up growing up into this arrogant person. I am trying my best to make you understand that it's ok to know what you want but it is more important to be kind and nice to everyone. We have our little tiffs about this once in a while. It's ok. we are both learning from each other.
You are very enthusiastic and interested in multiple things. You have a good sense of rhythm, love music and always want to hear in the background even when you are playing, which we are obviously thrilled about, considering we are obsessed with music ourselves. You have begun formal music lessons in carnatic music this year, i am hoping you develop a keen interest in vocals and start appreciating music more and more.You are quite an "artist" in your own words...our home is filled with loads of sketches, drawings and loving notes from you.

You have acquired our love for travel and get most excited when we plan for a holiday somewhere. We had an amazing summer break at Bali as a family and also went solo with T Chithi to Seoul, Korea. You were mostly good and it was a huge relief to me. I was very pleasantly surprised with your kindness, loving nature and learning to share ( brief flashes!). At 6 years, you have been to Paris ( born there!), Andaman, Srilanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Bali, Korea apart from different cities in India ( Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Amritsar to see the Golden temple)...pretty impressive for a 6 year old, girl! You are truly one lucky child. :)
I have an inhouse "girlfriend" already, who compliments me on my outfits, notices anything new I buy or is the first to notice if i am sad or upset and you try your best to make me laugh. It instantly uplifts my mood and I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I am already looking back at chubby baby pictures or watching your antics as a 2-3 year old from our old videos and you are my constant companion, who thoroughly enjoys watching herself with glee! Full of self-love, aren't you?
You are everything and much, much more than we ever imagined, aaradhya. We hope and pray good health, happiness and want to see you grow in leaps and bounds. My wish for you is that you are always loved and protected by God. I hope you learn to be more kind, empathetic and always remain good at heart. We will both work on it over the years.
We love you with all our hearts, my munchkin,
Amma & Appa
You are my biggest strength and weakness...and you already know it. There are times when I feel like my love for you will burst in its seams from my heart and there are times when I am so livid with anger while you are smirking away with the hint of a knowing smile that says "I got you!", eh?
I hear this all the time, from your teachers, my friends who interact with you and people who keenly observe you that you are a very strong individual and very confident, in general. I am very happy and proud that you know your way around, you are independant and you are a self-assured child. At the same time, I am scared that it could also mean you could end up growing up into this arrogant person. I am trying my best to make you understand that it's ok to know what you want but it is more important to be kind and nice to everyone. We have our little tiffs about this once in a while. It's ok. we are both learning from each other.
You are very enthusiastic and interested in multiple things. You have a good sense of rhythm, love music and always want to hear in the background even when you are playing, which we are obviously thrilled about, considering we are obsessed with music ourselves. You have begun formal music lessons in carnatic music this year, i am hoping you develop a keen interest in vocals and start appreciating music more and more.You are quite an "artist" in your own words...our home is filled with loads of sketches, drawings and loving notes from you.
You have acquired our love for travel and get most excited when we plan for a holiday somewhere. We had an amazing summer break at Bali as a family and also went solo with T Chithi to Seoul, Korea. You were mostly good and it was a huge relief to me. I was very pleasantly surprised with your kindness, loving nature and learning to share ( brief flashes!). At 6 years, you have been to Paris ( born there!), Andaman, Srilanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Bali, Korea apart from different cities in India ( Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Amritsar to see the Golden temple)...pretty impressive for a 6 year old, girl! You are truly one lucky child. :)
I have an inhouse "girlfriend" already, who compliments me on my outfits, notices anything new I buy or is the first to notice if i am sad or upset and you try your best to make me laugh. It instantly uplifts my mood and I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I am already looking back at chubby baby pictures or watching your antics as a 2-3 year old from our old videos and you are my constant companion, who thoroughly enjoys watching herself with glee! Full of self-love, aren't you?
You are everything and much, much more than we ever imagined, aaradhya. We hope and pray good health, happiness and want to see you grow in leaps and bounds. My wish for you is that you are always loved and protected by God. I hope you learn to be more kind, empathetic and always remain good at heart. We will both work on it over the years.
We love you with all our hearts, my munchkin,
Amma & Appa